The EDL and the Daily Mail

I’ve seen lots on Twitter this morning about the Daily Mail special investigation into the EDL and the hypocrisy of such reporting. There has been lots of pointing out that the Daily Mail’s reporting on Muslims lends support to the EDL.  This is without a doubt true but it is madness to think that the Daily Mail will ever admit this.

The comments and ratings below the article are more than enough to highlight the views of a lot of mainstream Daily Mail readers. They are very positive towards the EDL and think that Mail’s special investigation is untrue in it’s portrayal.

We all know that the Daily Mail is the favourite newspaper of groups like the EDL and the BNP. It is widely known that Nick Griffin’s favourite columnist is Richard Littlejohn. The Daily Mail knows this too but they are never going to admit it because it would mean they have to admit that they are racist and untruthful in their reporting on Muslims (as well as a myriad of other sections of society who don’t meet their narrow perception of what is ‘British’).

So instead of the incessant hand-wringing about the Daily Mail being a hypocrite, we need to continue to counter it’s misleading articles through social media. Many excellent blogs do so and are often up there on Google’s searches of well-known Daily Mail columnists.

~ by ummissa on December 13, 2010.

2 Responses to “The EDL and the Daily Mail”

  1. I agree with you so much it hurts…

  2. I agree. There needs to be intelligent movement towards countering this. Social media is the way to go.

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